Your mental health affects everything in your day and your life. To optimize it, therapy, medications and even meditation aren’t the only answers. There are many small moves you can make that help boost your mental well-being and let you get out of your own way and get what you want out of life.

Feeling good about your mental wellness doesn’t mean you never have a bad day. What it means is that when those days come, you can get through them with more resilience and less drag. And maybe you can learn to set yourself up for even fewer of them in the future.

This plan offers four weeks of actionable strategies, tips, and insights that can help you do things differently, reframe your thoughts, get out of your own way, and experience joy and awe. Basically, it tones up your mental well-being.

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Because you subscribe to our exclusive membership program, Men's Health MVP, you get exclusive access to PDFs of our top-notch guides to fitness and nutrition, including this 4-Week Plan for Better Mental Wellness.

You’ll discover what to eat to change your mood, how to pause and get refreshed, what to do to get out of your own way and other simple, straightforward strategies that help your mind support your healthy life. A month from now, you could be feeling very different. You can download the pdf and work through it week-by-week, or start with the strategy that makes most sense to you and try others when you have that mastered. Either way, why not get started now?


Headshot of Erica Sweeney
Erica Sweeney
Erica Sweeney is a writer who mostly covers health, wellness and careers. She has written for The New York Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Parade, Money, Business Insider and many more.