When you hear the term “osteopenia,” you’re probably wondering, “Does that have anything to do with osteoporosis? Don’t only old people get that?” The truth is that yes, osteoporosis is most common among older people, but osteopenia can happen at virtually any age.

Osteoporosis is a disease where your body breaks down bone at a faster rate than usual. As a result, your bones weaken and you might experience a higher risk of fractures, as well as discomfort in the hip, wrist, or spine. While it’s more common among older women due to the hormonal changes brought on by menopause, it does affect men too: in fact, 1 in 5 men over 50 will experience a fracture due to osteoporosis, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation.

Osteopenia is basically a precursor to osteoporosis: it simply means you’re starting the process of bone loss earlier than expected, explains Kelly R. Jones MS, RD, CSSD, LDN. You might even get it as early as your early 40s.

“While women experience more dramatic losses of bone during menopause due to hormonal shifts, men's bone loss is more steady in relation to andropause, where testosterone levels slowly drop after 40 years of age,” explains Jones. Men are also more likely to get osteopenia due to lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking, or taking a medication that increases the risk of bone loss, such as some antidepressants and corticosteroids.

Symptoms of osteopenia include tender muscles and cramping. But because it’s usually asymptomatic, you might not know you have it unless you have a family history of osteopenia or take a bone mineral density test. Here are a few potential causes.


It’s worth noting that your genes really do play a role in determining if you’ll get osteopenia, as does your ethnic background.

“Your genetic background determines if you have a small, medium, or large bone structure,” says Jones, meaning your natural body type and build. “Those with a smaller bone structure tend to be those of Asian, Indian and Caucasian descent, who in turn have a higher risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis since they have less bone to lose in the first place.” People of African-American and Hispanic descent, however, tend to have much higher bone density, and thus a slightly lower risk of developing osteoporosis.

Eating the wrong foods.

Eating too many acidic substances in general — think coffee, tomato sauce, and sugary juices — can also create a more acidic state in the body, which can strip the body of calcium. Eating too many processed and sugary foods in general isn’t great: not only is there a lack of nutritional value, but they can also leech calcium from your bones, affecting your overall bone health.

Not eating enough calcium-rich foods.

Getting enough calcium is crucial for maintaining healthy bones. As you age, calcium can get diverted to your intestines and kidneys, so if your bones lose calcium, they can become weak and brittle. If you don’t eat dairy, you’ll need to get that calcium elsewhere by eating fish, legumes, nuts, and leafy greens.

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Exercising too much.

Yes, exercise is good for you — but just like anything else in life, there are limits. “Just like excessive stress on muscles can result in injury, so can excessive stress on the bones. We need some stress for the bones to want to maintain strength, but if we don't allow for proper adaptation when entering a new training program or increasing resistance or duration of the activity, our bones won't recover properly,” says Jones.

Another problem: excessive exercise can result in an overly negative calorie balance. “When the body is in too much of a caloric deficit for too long, or if body fat is too low, hormones responsible for bone growth are not produced in adequate amounts, and bone is lost,” says Jones. While this isn’t super common, if you’re exercising for three times the recommended amount, meaning you’re intensely sweating it out at least 450 minutes a week, you could be straining your body and putting your bones at risk.

Doing too much cardio.

What is too much cardio? More than 60 minutes of high intensity cardio at one time, says Rebecca Gahan, C.P.T. owner and founder of Kick@55 Fitness, a HIIT studio in Chicago.

“Running and jogging are not necessarily bad for bone density, but will not greatly [improve] it because of the repeated bone stress. And if you have osteoporosis, you need to avoid all running, jogging and jumping because you can be at risk for bone fractures,” she says.

That’s why it’s crucial to diversify your workout routine. “Strength training helps to bear force on the muscles and bones, thus stimulating an increase in bone density,” she says. If you work out 5 days a week, Gahan says no more than 3 days should be devoted strictly to cardio. Exercises like barbell deep back squats and military presses are great to work out some of the largest muscle/bone groups in the body.

Smoking and drinking.

Are you smoking? Drinking each night? “Excess alcohol intake, smoking, and use of steroids (including prescription steroidal medications) are all related to bone density as well,” says Jones.

Excessive alcohol intake can reduce the absorption of minerals and vitamins from the GI tract and can decrease bone growth, she says. Smoking also manipulates hormones responsible for mineralizing bone.

The takeaway? If you're diagnosed with osteopenia at a relatively young age, it is important to ensure that your lifestyle is supporting your bone health.

“When osteopenia is diagnosed, the goal is not reversal but prevention of progression to osteoporosis. I would recommend having your hormone levels [like for parathyroid and growth hormone, which play an active role in bone mass] tested and following up with your results with a registered dietitian, to cover dietary management,” says Jones. Getting regular bone mineral and hormone tests can help you keep tabs on your condition before getting to the point of osteoporosis.

Headshot of Isadora Baum
Isadora Baum

Isadora Baum is a freelance writer, certified health coach, and author of 5-Minute Energy. She can't resist a good sample, a margarita, a new HIIT class, or an easy laugh. Learn more about her on her website: isadorabaum.com