THERE'S MORE TO achieving the perfect biceps pump than just knocking out rep after rep of unfocused dumbbell curls. Even for the most experienced arm-day adherents, finding that sweet spot for the best squeeze often takes a rare combination of technique and execution, along with finding the right training tools. One of the most effective pieces of equipment you may not be regularly using may already be tucked away at your gym: the machine preacher curl.

You may have routinely walked past this inconspicuous arm-blasting instrument sitting in your fitness center's sparsely occupied machine section. Now is a good time to make a U-turn toward this sneaky solid biceps-pumping tool and get yourself reacquainted.

Why You Should Do the Machine Preacher Curl

The preacher curl has always been an effective biceps exercise because it’s one of the few moves during which you can shift your upper arms away from your torso while remaining shoulder-safe. The added benefit of using the machine preacher curl, according to Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., is the way that the machine will challenge your muscles.

Since you’re working with a cable load (as opposed to free weights), you’re able to isolate and challenge your biceps throughout the entire range of motion. When you use free weights like dumbbells or and EZ bar, you begin losing resistance, specifically when your joints “stack” at the top of the movement. The machine curl will allow you to gain a greater squeeze at the top of each rep, without loading tons of weight.

“[With machine preacher curls], it's very easy to train lighter and really chase that squeeze,” Samuel says. It’s one of my favorite ways to train biceps. And if you get it in your routine, you will see your biceps grow.”

Who Should Do Machine Preacher Curls

From bodybuilders to marathoners, anyone focused on training arms can use the machine preacher curl to make biceps gains. The machine is fairly easy to set up, and once you’ve mastered the mechanics, you’ll be able to really isolate your biceps and get a great squeeze—without needing to use heavy weight. “You don't need to use a ton of weight,” Samuel says. “You're not going to be able to max out this machine.”

Setting Up the Preacher Curl

There’s more to it than just sitting down at the preacher curl machine and slamming out rep after rep. Like any other curl variation, protecting your shoulders should hold as much priority as gaining a pump. This means you can't fall into a lazy arm-positioning trap—sitting too high or even too low will do you no good. A good setup will allow you to get solid tension throughout your body, including a solid back squeeze, which in turn will work toward a more solid curl.

To set up the right way requires the following:

Seat Position Should Be Low

    The last thing your setup needs is a seat position so high that your chest is barely able to touch the preacher pad. This will make your reps not only less effective, but more likely uncomfortable as well. When it comes to seat placement, lower is better—your chest should be comfortably aligned with the pad, which should leave you with little to no gap between the pad and your armpits. This should lead to more optimal tension throughout your body when it comes time to execute the rep.

    Remove Gaps Between Armpits and the Pad

      Think of “wedging” yourself into the preacher bench. With your seat properly set, you should be able to pull yourself close enough to the pad so that there is littl to no space between the bench and your armpits. From this position, you should be able to “drive” your glutes and lower body into the floor, creating additional tension for an all-out arm assault.

      Drive Your Elbows Into the Pad

        No matter your experience level, it’s very tempting to roll your elbows off the bench at the top of the curl in order to add emphasis to your biceps squeeze. Don’t do that. Instead, think of driving your elbows firmly into the pad. This is going to activate your lats, which is going to provide plenty of additional tension into each rep.

        Remember to also squeeze your shoulder blades during this move. By keeping your scapula activated as well, you’re going to allow for more room for your rotator cuff tendons to work and move more freely throughout the exercise.

        How to Do the Machine Preacher Curl

        Men's Health
        • Begin by adjusting your seat to a position in which your chest is flush against the preacher pad with your armpits firmly wedged in, leaving little to no gap.
        • Grab each handle. Another benefit of using the machine preacher curl is that it allows you the option of either using a tight grip or light contact with relaxed palms. Either style works.
        • Squeezing your shoulder blades and driving your lower body into the ground, begin curling the handles in a slow and controlled manner—as you would any other preacher curl. Focus on rotating both pinkies toward the ceiling as you work toward a solid squeeze at the top of the rep.
        • Lower back to start position. That’s one rep.

        Note: Be sure not to straighten your arms completely at the bottom of the movement. A slight bend should work to maintain solid tension.

        When Should You Do the Machine Preacher Curl

        The machine preacher curl can be utilized in your regular routine in a number of different ways. On arm days, it can be used either as a finisher or even as a solid secondary exercise. You can also add the machine preacher curl as a final movement to an upper-body day workout.

        Whichever you choose, about three sets of 10 to 12 reps should do the job. Keep the reps high while keeping your focus on getting that biceps squeeze at the top.

        Jeff Tomko
        Jeff Tomko is a freelance fitness writer who has written for Muscle and Fitness, Men's Fitness, and Men's Health.